Sentiment Analysis and Topic Trends in Endometriosis Reddit Communities Using LLMsHey everyone! I am an AI Consultant who was recently diagnosed with endometriosis, so the next thing I did was immediately look for as many…Jun 25, 2024Jun 25, 2024
How do I make my for loop faster? - Multiprocessing & Multithreading in PythonHow often do we have to run a compute-heavy operation on a list of objects? or read a list of files from a storage space like S3?May 4, 2022May 4, 2022
Published inAnalytics VidhyaThree pillars of a “good” software productHow many times has it happened that your manager mentioned terms like SLA or SLO and it went over your head?Jan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
Published inAnalytics VidhyaSpellChecker: Everything you might want to know“why are they not picking theer bags?”May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
Published inAnalytics VidhyaStatistical musings- part II am a data scientist and an avid reader of books ranging from biographies to statistics. The most important learning from these books is…Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaTopic Modeling: How the news has shifted from the Coronavirus to Black Lives MatterThe ongoing BLM protests have caused a shift in the news coverage from the coronavirus to racism, which made me curious to look into how…Jun 28, 2020Jun 28, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaChoosing the best ones: Feature Selection“Feature Importance”, “Feature Selection” are different phrases meaning the same thing- finding the features which contribute the most…Jun 11, 20201Jun 11, 20201
Published inAnalytics VidhyaTweets: You can’t hit unsend (sentiment analysis and web scraping)“Tesla shares tank after Elon Musk tweets the stock price is ‘too high’ ”, was one of a recent headline even after the previous court…May 23, 20201May 23, 20201
Published inAnalytics VidhyaHypothesis Testing with PythonWe will start with a brief overview about the idea and then move over to the variety of tests and try to include an example to work with…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Stat tests when you don’t know what the distribution is- Permutation/Randomization TetsLet’s first start with the use of Statistical tests with the help of an example-May 31, 2019May 31, 2019